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July 2020 COTM Co-Winner: midwesthunter

Writer: Bucky GeocacherBucky Geocacher

Join the IGO in congratulating the CO of the

2020 July COTM winning geocache.

The theme was:

‘Geocachers BLAST OFF in JULY!

The co-winning cache was:

Todd Weets

Geocaching name- midwesthunter

11 Questions Later...

1. Tell us about the COTM winning geocache. Was there an inspiration?

I’m very honored to be recognized for my cache this month. My inspiration for this cache came from a cache I found in the Here Fishy Geoart. I had an idea for a series based on the TV show Battlestar Galactica (the new version that was on Sify network) the storyline for this entire series is loosely based on the shows main story arc.

2. How many geocaches have you found?


3. How many geocaches have you hidden?


4. How many countries have you geocached in?

Just one, I have near-future plans of going to Canada whenever the COVID stuff finally stops.

5. Why did you start geocaching?

I wanted something for my two boys and me to do on a camping trip out at Scott County Park. Then I was hooked from that moment on, my kids not so much.

6. Which cache is your favorite hide?

This is a really tough one to answer. I would have to say any GCMB places in town they are always a gadget cache of some type.

7. Which was your favorite find or most memorable?

I don’t have a most memorable find. The best memory for me is whenever I’m able to go on a weekend caching trip with Team Yoo-Hoo.

8. Which is your favorite type of geocache?

I like the rare cache types, Earth caches, Webcams, virtual caches, and events are always fun to attend.

9. Which Iowa county is most of your geocaches hidden in?

That would be hands down Scott County. I might branch out and put a few hides on the other side of the Mississippi. I’m sure there is a challenge cache somewhere that I would qualify for then.

10. What is your current geocaching goal?

To go to an event cache sometime this year Ha! I started college classes at the beginning of the year. This life decision has consumed much of my free time. I’ll get back out there soon. The great thing about Geocaching is if you stop for a while then get back into it there will be a lot of new caches to find. I might work on getting up to 3000 finds by the end of 2020. I good caching run with Crimefighte89 ought to do it.

11. Which achieved goal are you most proud of?

I am proudest of my 400-day caching streak. Once I got to 365 I thought to myself that I should end it on a nice even number and keep caching. Day 401 I stayed home and that felt weird. I’m happy with 400 days.

Thanks Todd for an excellent geocache and for your part in keeping geocaching thriving in Iowa.

Post created by-Bob Koranda, a1bob66


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